Sunday, August 23, 2009

birthday cake

baskin robbins 
{(cookies and cream) ice cream (white) cake, 
(amazing) white/bright colored icing}

um. yeah.  when it came to my (30th) birthday cake decision, i did not hesitate.  well, maybe i did for a second...but, just because it was a dessert decision.  i have a history of this cake for my birthdays- as my aunt and cousin always celebrate (most) occasions with this cake.  when eaten with my family, no plates are used.  let me paint a visual- lounging in pj's, cake box folded open on all sides and 3-4 forks attacking all parts of this delicious reward (of turning a year older, graduating, get married...).  

this year, this cake was another tasty success (not that i invented it or made it myself).  

the bottom layer is a slightly cold, white cake that lays below a middle layer of thick cookies and cream ice cream, which is covered with THE icing (a sugary sweet, dense favorite layer this year) and topped with tiny cones filled with baby scoops of ice cream.  

so far, 30 years old has proved that taste buds still work and this cake never disappoints.  


  1. WOW!! Thats one hell of a cake- I demand a do-over on mine! I did get 2 - yes Two - Triple Chocolate mousse cakes made a local store in Squamish.... Mmmm it might make your blog when we get you up here in Squamish - also tastes fabulous frozen... yum!
