Tuesday, October 20, 2009

seven layers/minutes in heaven

seven layer bar
baker- unknown
location- coffee roastery, sf
dedication- to my friend, Lee, who is synonymous in my brain with this treat

it is confirmed that taste buds do change over the years.  "and how" (as my grandmother would say).  growing up, i hated coconut...even enough to dismiss any dessert on the same plate with this shredded oddness.  and, as i have said early on-- nuts do not mix for me with desserts....(almost) never.  

so, in short, seven layer bar = anomaly....as 2 of the layers i (off the bat) basically hate.  but, as i was convinced to recently try one (thanks a lot ashlee)...something transformed those 2 shameful layers.  the other 5 layers took over...the thick graham cracker crust, the sweet butterscotch and chocolate chips...and although i don't cook/bake (at all)...i am sure that the secret ingredient (in addition to the other obvious winners) is condensed milk.  yum.   my mouth overcomes me...and if this bar wasn't cut and packaged individually, i would have to tie back my hands to not eat the entire pan.  

i do believe that smells are maybe the most powerful of all the senses.  however, maybe sight switches up this order, at least for this instance.  i spent many of my high school lunches observing my dear friend, lee, whom i greatly respect and adore, "eat" a version of  these 7 layer bars ("bruegger's bars").  for her, it was a very methodical act, as she would dissect it, layer by layer, eating exactly 1 layer at a time.  seriously.  needless to say, she is now a doctor.  

so....coconuts and nuts, i salute you.  you must, in some weird way, make this dessert impossible to stop eating....dissecting.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

get 'em while they are hot

katie's pretzels
(in carrboro, north carolina)

i have to sigh before i even begin my short story on katie's.  i was recently informed that they will be closing.  
simply put...my all-time favorite pretzel.  it is not like any other hot pretzel that one will ever know.   

i am trying (hard) to separate a description of this food that can proudly stand its own to any after-school snack, quick lunch or mid-day treat from my (sentimental) emotion.

description of food:
a carb-lovers heaven of lightly baked dough and topped with a wonderful selection of flavorful ingredients.  for those craving a classic flavor profile- perhaps choose the plain pretzel coated with salt and served with side of mustard.  or, for sweet snack (like my friend becca ALWAYS prefers :)- select a lightly buttered pretzel covered in cinnamon and sugar and wash it down with a cup of sweet tea. and, if you are in the mood for more of a savory flavor, i recommend my favorite- parmesan cheese with a side of pizza sauce.  

for those who grew up sharing my memory, you can nod and smile with "the understanding" of katie's... a local spot for high-schoolers and well beyond.  for whatever reason the taste of these pretzels single-handedly encompasses the understated beauty, sweetness and simplicity of my most favorite hometown. 

katie's, you will be missed! 

Sunday, August 23, 2009

birthday cake

baskin robbins 
{(cookies and cream) ice cream (white) cake, 
(amazing) white/bright colored icing}

um. yeah.  when it came to my (30th) birthday cake decision, i did not hesitate.  well, maybe i did for a second...but, just because it was a dessert decision.  i have a history of this cake for my birthdays- as my aunt and cousin always celebrate (most) occasions with this cake.  when eaten with my family, no plates are used.  let me paint a visual- lounging in pj's, cake box folded open on all sides and 3-4 forks attacking all parts of this delicious reward (of turning a year older, graduating, get married...).  

this year, this cake was another tasty success (not that i invented it or made it myself).  

the bottom layer is a slightly cold, white cake that lays below a middle layer of thick cookies and cream ice cream, which is covered with THE icing (a sugary sweet, dense richness...my favorite layer this year) and topped with tiny cones filled with baby scoops of ice cream.  

so far, 30 years old has proved that taste buds still work and this cake never disappoints.  

Saturday, August 8, 2009

no judgement

see's candies (california)
presenting THE butterscotch square (a type of truffle).  
year and location of discovery:  1999 (estimated), downtown santa barbara with great friend (maya).  we loved taking long walks from our apartment,
especially ending with a little, sweet destination.  
one day the see's candy store attendant handed us this sample.... the taste mesmerized me.  
this dessert undoubtably belongs with the best of them. and, as far as i am concerned, they don't need an entire store of diversified chocolates....they simply need a stand of butterscotch squares.  let me explain.

of course, milk chocolate truffles with most fillings (aside from the ever-present fruit/nut ones) are obvious contenders for greatness.  but, if this were poker, see's milk chocolate (coating) would be an ace and the butterscotch filling would give you a top pocket pair.

now, milk chocolate is milk chocolate- it may not
have the "flavonoids" or other "health benefits" of dark chocolate--- but, what's not to like, it's the tom hanks of chocolate?  
with that being said...it IS the butterscotch bite that takes this good-after-any-meal-treat to new heights.  the butterscotch filling is rich and dense, sweet and powerful, creamy and sensational.  it is delicious.  

ps- yes, the "chain" part of this post may require a little defense.  for the record, i am not in love with most chains...or therefore even like many.  nevertheless, we must acknowledge how chains begin--- supply and demand. 
see's butterscotch square = joanna demand.  :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

i love candy

the candy store (in san francisco, california)

shortly after my husband and i moved to la, a little shop popped up in my old
neighborhood, "the candy store."  for me, this was a very bittersweet discovery.  on the one hand, it probably saved me a few extra "hyde street hills" that i would've had to add to my morning workout, to offset the new calorie intake.  on the other hand, me love candy.  

growing up, candy land was my favorite game, halloween couldn't come fast enough and throughout college *"bin candy" was my treat of choice.  by my early twenties, i knew for me that candy in almost any shape, flavor or form was no "fair weather dessert".  and... i was correct.  

the good/bad news is now after moving back to san francisco, the candy store is just too close and the willpower is just too far away.  

without any further back story, 
i will introduce "my favorite friends/foes" :
sour stars, white and dark chocolate non perils and (black) licorice harlequins.  they can't be compared to each other.       
but, they each take the top, unrivaled ranking of their own categories.  the sour stars are colorful, chewy sensations, yet not pull-out-your-teeth-sticky.  the non perils are smooth, chocolaty gifts for your taste buds.  and, as for the licorice harlequins...they create addicts.  (i have been told by the owner that i am not alone in my black licorice addiction.)  

when i was in la, many knew that my heart was still in san francisco...but they may have not known that my sweet teeth were sort-of left here too :)

*bin candy- term used by everyone in college
 description: rows of bins filled with a variety of candy confections.  next to the bins is a stack of plastic bags for you to fill, exactly as you wish...using a tiny, silver shovel.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

mmmm....is for mitchell's

mitchell's ice cream (in san francisco, california)
go ahead, grab a number and press your nose against the glass of this tiny ice creamery, as you wait to hear your turn being called over the speaker.  and, let me tell you... it is well worth the wait. 

after a few years of mitchell's under my belt (literally), i have become a pavlov dog experiment. just the mention of this parlor makes me begin to salivate for the unsurpassable richness, flavor and texture of their prized treats.  i should not lead you on to believe that i have nearly even tried all of the flavors.  truth be told, i can barely get past the first few flavors (that i have originally ordered)...one of which is grasshopper pie.  let's just say it makes cookies and cream look like the junior olympics of flavors, compared to this taffy-like mint ice cream loaded with chocolate fudge, crumbled cookies and maybe even chocolate chips (it is difficult to perfectly document all the major players in this cold concoction, as i am always tipsy from the taste and honestly can't remember all of the components when i am done).  

now, a true ice cream shop (not shoppe) does need to have the cred factor with at least one outstanding basic flavor (chocolate and/or vanilla and/or strawberry) to prove that they didn't just "get lucky" throwing a bunch of hard-to-beat sweet ingredients into the pot and arrive on a winning combo.  i can assure you that the chocolate is "the total package," simple, creamy and the perfect sweetness.   as for the vanilla, strawberry and other tempters.... tbd...as long as i can overcome my usual flavor hurdles.

ps- *picture features chocolate ice cream (mentioned above) and a scoop of orange sherbet (not just for kids).  don't be fooled by the 2 spoons in the picture.  i don't really share.  

Thursday, July 16, 2009

3 words...ice cream sandwiches

diddy riese (in los angeles, california)
calling all college friends, new and old friends...  there is a little place in westwood that serves up a little sandwich heaven...ice cream, cookie sandwich heaven.  
a little background- in my early years of college my friend, yumi, casually mentioned a great, cheap dessert spot one weekend while we were visiting los angeles.  so, like any good, late night college eater, we went there well beyond the calorie burning hours of the day and i quickly discovered an unmatchable treat that would soon blur the lines of craving and addiction.  for those of you who have not yet experienced "the real cookie sandwich," i will walk you through a visit:
1.  see the sign on the tiny shop
2.  hop in line (yes, always a line out the door), marvel at the unbelievably low cost of such a top-notch dessert (during college and many years beyond it was just $1 for the entire cookie sandwich, it has since raised its price to $1.50).  
3. begin the selection process...which flavors of (often hot) cookies should we pair....chocolate chip, cinnamon-sugar, yes....some assortment of nut cookies (you know my thoughts on that one :) and others that don't quite make the consideration room of my mind.  
4.  then move onto the ice cream options.  these are the best of the usual suspects, the standard flavors, that one would hope to see as the center of this dessert. 
5.  approach the counter and final decision making.  i time and again get tripped up...i can never decide if i should go totally classic with two perfectly sweet chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream or cookies and cream ice cream sandwiched between one buttery cinnamon-sugar cookie and of course one tried and true, classic chocolate chip cookie.  either way, hard to go wrong.  but, if for some reason you do second guess your final choice, it's a quick fix- $1.50 and the back of the line.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

dessert for dinner

first, for those that know me well...it is no surprise that i am writing a blog about my favorite desserts of all time.  and, for those that know me really well...it is a huge surprise that i am using modern technology to do this :)  with that being said, i am dedicating this blog to my husband, jeremy and dear friends john and katherine who have encouraged me to do this as "a recipe" (i couldn't resist) for my friends to find the best desserts, nationwide.  unlike a sommelier, i do not share their tried and true testing approach... i finish the dessert in it's entirety...unless of course it is not worth eating, in which case it will not make it to the highly regarded ranking of "joannasweettooth.blogspot.com" :)

now, many categories of desserts are worth receiving honorable mentions, if not full feature articles....of course the major "c's" (cakes, cookies, candy) as well as brownies, pies, puddings, etc.  and, i can't help but play favorites... or "un-favorites".  walnuts, peanuts and pecans have a wonderful place in the world of salads, snacks and other food courses, however, i will never love them or willingly choose them to a be a welcomed part of any dessert.  sorry, for all you walnut-brownie lovers or those who think the best dessert of all time is a sundae with "the works".  we disagree on this one.  and, please don't entirely discount my sweet tooth if you are dabbler or faithful follower of tiramisu.  i just simply don't understand the craze over the soaked lady fingers.  

now, it is very hard for me to narrow my all-time-favorites down to one.  so, i won't;  instead, i will begin this blog with a whopping two... of my all time favorites, one from each coast.

gjelina (in venice, california) 
has the single most amazing butterscotch pots-de-creme/pudding of all time.  no, seriously. the. best. of. all. time.  imagine a creamy butterscotch pudding taking you way back to the comfort flavors of your 5th grade lunch box but with an oscar winning twist of sea salt sprinkled on top, to make all of the sweet and salty flavors soar together.  even those who used to turn their nose up to the thought of the butterscotch flavor (not mentioning any names) sing the praise of this creation.  

crooks corner (in chapel hill, north carolina)
those that are from here can finish my sentence..."the _____ _____  at crooks corner is worth sacrificing my left arm".  yep, banana pudding.  this simple southern treat is more than hard to beat.  it is a two or three nights in a row kinda ending to your day.  the proportions of pudding, wafers, banana allow for each bite to vary enough and encourage the next one to be slightly different again.  as if i need an encouragement to eat another bite :)

thanks for trusting my sweet tooth/dessert palate (or at least reading my most fav desserts, worthy of altering your regular dinner order)...more to come.